

The animated series INAZUMA ELEVEN is based on the famous video game developed by the prestigious LEVEL-5 company for Nintendo Ds.

Inazuma Eleven started with the mentioned game, which remains on Japan's best-seller list since it went on sale in 2008. Development has continued with a second volume of the game delivered in 2009 and a third one in 2010, which added to the cast for Nintendo Wii in 2011, resulting in more than 3,500,000 units being sold in Japan.

The success of the game led to the Japanese production company to make a long Japanese animated series with more than 127 episodes already produced, which began broadcasting in Japan in 2008 and Spain in 2010.

In 2010, Inazuma Eleven also made the jump to the big screen in 3D in Japan, remaining in the box office for two months, having managed a No. 2 ranking in the box office and being one of the of most viewed children's films for several weeks.

In Europe the game, which arrived in 2011, was ranked No. 1 for over a month in countries such as France, Portugal or Spain. The second volume Was launched in 2012. The film will be on display pretty soon.

Due to this success, the anime series is broadcast in many European Countries such as France, Italy, Spain, Holland, Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland, Switzerland and Malta, and others such as Germany, will begin to broadcast it soon.

Mission Statement

The excitement of soccer, fellowship and fun glow in a story with a mysterious background. The plot lines of sport, action, fun and mistery, combine to create a new concept with the genre of animated series.

Inazuma Eleven is an exciting story about some kids who are passionate about soccer and their desire to better themselves, working together to solve the mystery that hangs over the Raimon Jr High.


Sports will reach a new dimension ...
"A sinister conspiracy is upon Raimon Jr High ...
... Greed has no limit ....
... surrender is not an option ...
... only tenacity and passion for soccer will make the impossible come true.
Inazuma Eleven ... The legend has begun."


The members of Raimon Jr High´s soccer team, led by Mark Evans, dream of winning the National Championship. To achieve their dream they must defeat the best teams in the country, among which there is the Jude Sharp team, Royal Academy, who have already won the tournament on several occasions. Although initially they feel discouraged due to being only seven players, Mark succeeds in getting Axel Blaze, an excellent player who had long abandoned the game, to join them.

They will base their training on Mark´s grandfather "supertechniques notebook", who was goalkeeper on the Inazuma Eleven legendary team. They will participate in the competition knowing that if they lose, the team will be dissolved permanently and Mark´s hopes to honor the original members of Inazuma Eleven will vanish forever. With much effort, overcoming all their fears and learning to better themselves, they will manage to surprise the opposing teams.

They will not have it easy, they play against powerful teams ... As well, they will have to face a mysterious enigma, an evil plan that threatens them ... Will they be able to withstand such pressure? The challenge has begun.

The passion they feel for the game, the tenacity, and the friendship that will be forged between all of them, will draw them together even more and they will become a championship team.